Saturday, April 08, 2006

Columbia River Crossing

Do you have a yen for learning more about this project? If so - you can attend an open house this coming Thursday - April 13th on Hayden Island.

Here is the info from the project:

Date: Thursday, April 13, 2006
Time: 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Place: Red Lion Inn - Jantzen Beach
909 N. Hayden Island Drive
Portland, OR 97217

Come see how ideas to reduce congestion and improve safety are taking shape.
Tell us what you think, hear stories about Columbia River history and culture, and learn about what is ahead.

We are building on the ideas you shared with us last fall to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety in the five-mile stretch of I-5 surrounding the Interstate Bridge. We received more than 1,000 comments and have used them to develop a range of options. Now we need your feedback on which ones move forward for more consideration.

Bring the kids! This will be a fun event with kids' bridge-building activities and local storyteller Ed Edmo to offer tales of the Northwest and Columbia River history.

Drop in anytime between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Tour the exhibits and talk with Columbia River Crossing team members. Storytelling at 4:45 and 6 p.m. Project presentations at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.

Meeting facilities are wheelchair accessible. Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be available. Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written material in alternative formats or sign language interpreters by calling the project office at 866-396-2726 or by calling Washington State's TTY number, 800-833-6388.

For more information, call the project office toll-free at 1 (866) 396-2726 or email us at

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