Neighborhood Meeting and Elections
April Meeting Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 7 PM Columbia School
1. Crime Report by Officer Michael Leonard
2. Spring Clean Up Plan for Saturday April 22, 2006
3. Election of Bridgeton Board and Officers.
Nominees for Board: Mary Hart, Lynn Dorman, Mike Gibson,
Cherry Ann Kolbenschlag, Jon Peterson, Kim Swenson, Matt Whitney,
Chuck Wilson, Walter Valenta.
Matt Whitney, Chair
Mike Gibson Vice-Chair
Lynn Dorman, Secretary
Stan Hart, Treasurer
Accept all Nominees and Officers as presented:
YES___________ NO:_________
Or Accept except for changes indicated:_____________________________________
Bridgeton Resident (signature):____________________________________________
This flyer is your official ballot. Ballots may be returned by email to, mailed to Bridgeton N.A.
417 N. Bridgeton Road, 97217, dropped of at the Channel's Edge coffee shop or
delivered to any Officer.
Please send in your ballot before the April 19, 2006 meeting.
SPRING CLEAN UPSaturday April 22, 2006
We will have three drop boxes as well as locked document shredder boxes and a new secure computer/electronics recycler. Contributions accepted for the document shredder and the electronic recycler charges per item.
We will have a special clean up detail for Marine Drive and the Gantenbein intersection.
More info: See the Bridgeton web site
or email: