Saturday, October 20, 2012

October Meeting

Bridgeton Neighborhood Association

7:00 PM - Monday, October 22

New Location: Portland Yacht Club

1241 NE Marine Drive

NOTE OUR NEW LOCATION: The Portland Yacht Club is graciously allowing the BNA to use the club for our monthly meetings.

AGENDA for October 22nd Meeting:

  • FEMA Flood Zone LOMR-RW Process Update | Dustin Pruitt
  • Columbia River Crossing & Neighbor Initiatives | Walter Valenta
  • USPS - Postal Issues |
  • Fall Neighborhood Clean-up Discussion
  • Remove & Replace Dead Trees in the School Yard Discussion

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Levee Vegetation Cutting & Herbicide Treatment Schedule

Peninsula Drainage District #2 has contracted with C&R Reforestation to cut and treat the riverward slope vegetation on the Bridgeton Levee. The contractor’s crew will cut the levee vegetation October 17th -19th 2012.

The contractor will return on or around (depending on weather conditions) November 12th 2011, to apply an herbicide (Garlon 3A) to help control the growth of invasive weeds on the levee.

Peninsula Drainage District No.2 will post notification signs 48 hours prior to the herbicide application. Signs will be removed 48 hours after the herbicide application has been completed.

Garlon 3A is an herbicide registered by EPA (registration # 62719-37) to be used adjacent to waterways. If you would like to view the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and the Label for this product you can email Leslie Sawyer or call 503.314.2137.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact MCDD Pen #2 at 503.281.5675, Josh McNamee ext. 310, or Byron Woltersdorf ext 308, Check the The Peninsula Drainage District #2 web site for more information.