In today's economy thinking outside the JOB box and finding a way to be self-employed just might be what you need to do!Where? Kenton Library community room
8226 North Denver Avenue
When? Wednesday Feb 16th from 5 to 6 PM
• Every one of us has skills and levels of expertise that someone else needs or wants
• There is sufficient money in our economy – you just have to figure out how to go get it for your own business
• Having your own business has great tax advantages – so great that it seems the IRS code was designed for self-employed persons
Come to a short presentation this Wednesday evening and learn about the pros and cons of being self-employed
and how to think about getting outside the JOB box!Where? Kenton Library community room
8226 North Denver Avenue
When? Wednesday Feb 16th from 5 to 6 PMThis is general information only and no specific businesses can or will be mentioned!An HD44 PCP event and open to the public.
Not affiliated with the library Please let your friends know about this...
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