MINUTES OF THE Continuing BNA BOARD AND TREE COMM. MEETINGThis neighbor suggested that all read the by-laws - especially Article V Board of Directors
October 24, 2007, North Harbour Mews Recreation Building, 7Pm
The joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Tree Committee was called to order at 7:00 pm at the North Harbour Mews recreation center.
Board Members present were: Matt Whitney, Stan Hart, Walter Valenta, Leslie Sawyer, CherryAnn Kolbenschlag, Chuck Wilson, Jon Peterson and Kim Swenson. Stan Hart resigned and Chuck Wilson stepped in to act as Treasurer for the Neighborhood. Sam is on vacation so Becky Whitney has agreed to take the minutes.
Members of the Tree Committee present were Elise and Stuart Goforth, Tom Kelly and Becky Whitney.
The PDC Parks Bond Measure was discussed, people are writing grants for us.
Walter and Matt talked at length about the issue.
The Bridgeton tree issue was the #1 topic. Elise reported that Dave McAllister, the Urban Forester, called her and said that he did not agree with the drainage district that the tree cutting was an emergency issue. “Let’s compromise” is what McAllister suggested – much discussion ensued about actions – what should we do now?
Walter talked about which trees were going to be cut – he had additional information on what was going on. Elise and all talked at length about Drainage District, its organization, board make up and upcoming election. Much discussion was had about the Penn2 Board and Dave Hendricks, who’s in charge and who apparently has not kept the drainage district board informed. Discussion of which trees were regulated by the City Forester.
Elise reported on the City tree cutting permit rules and which city regs were backing the rules.
Penn2 Board elections – Walter should run. We need a representative for the December annual meeting. Talk ensued about the votes each Bridgeton HOA carried plus other groups, golf club and PYC.
Continuing with old business, we discussed bills and financial issues. A promissory note idea was proposed to the board to allow payment to Scott. All was approved – Sam was the only member absent so the motion passed.
Cherry Ann gave her ideas on a concert issue. Problem with Pier 99 – no heat and electrical problems. Decided to put concern off until February. Discussion was had about options and timing.
For anyone’s information, check out website, levees.com.
Fundraising effort needs to be escalated. We don’t know how much our final bill will be.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Whitney
Acting Secretary for Sam McGarrity
link here: http://www.portlandonline.com/oni/?c=34264
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