16 Feb 2009
Bridgeton Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees: Leslie S, Matt, Elizabeth, Chuck, Kim S, Brian, Debbie R, and Rich B. Excused absentees: Karen J, Ann N.
New BNA Board Member Greg Griffin was nominated by Leslie, seconded by Matt, and elected by those present. Chris Papus is unable to balance personal demands and BNA commitments and has decided to leave the Board.
Treasurer Chuck reports a balance of $819. Leslie reported a $300 grant to be spent getting the neighborhood together.
Spring Cleanup 2009 will be on Saturday April 25th – there will be the usual three drop-boxes spread out on Bridgeton Rd. Notices will begin going out and everyone is encouraged to clean out the garage, lighten the floating home, or empty the lazarette. This is a fantastic, highly collaborative event that you do not want to miss.
Grab a rake and shovel on the 25th as we get the area looking pristine for Spring.
The Gantenbein circle and near-by transient camp will be among the sites that get an once-over. The property owners and Realtors at Gantenbein at Marine Dr will be notified so they can pitch in as they did last Fall. Many N Portland cleanup efforts will take place the same day.
As part of the Spring and Fall cleanup, document-shredding bins are made available at Channel’s Edge. Last Fall, the document shredding service cost BNA $76 but $57 of that was offset by donations.
Crime Prevention is a big deal to us. In the past year Bridgeton Rd has reported a hit & run, mail box theft, prowled cars, and strangers drinking and making noise in their cars. Not reported were a stolen catalytic converter, a motorcycle being sold on Bridgeton …but not by the owner, and more mail theft and car prowls.
An effort to get cars to register and carry BNA membership stickers will soon get underway. Look for posters and flyers to increase awareness while we walk and drive on and around Bridgeton.
Report crimes. Call 911 when you suspect a crime in progress or suspicious activity. According to police liaison Mark Wells, knowing your neighbors is the single most important action you can take to decrease crime.
Getting stronger mailboxes, adding web-based cameras, and improved lighting are all options that BNA will investigate and recommend to moorage owners and others.
Be aware of how and where you park your car. Parking on Bridgeton is always an issue. Walkers need to feel comfortable and safe while they walk on the majority of the street that has no sidewalks.
Summer Block Party, organized by Mark Wells and others will be held during August in Roth Estates. We will try to get official National Night Out status. Look for plenty of involvement with this fantastic event.
Adopt-a-tree? Last Fall, Friends of Trees planted 100 beautiful trees. This Summer those 100 fragile, young trees will need to be watered and nurtured in order to survive the dry season. If 25 volunteers each adopt four trees; and if each tree gets a 5-gallon bucket of water each week; the 100 trees will live to see another year. If not, precious labor and funds from BNA and DD#2 will be used to replace them.
Who will water them? Where will the water come from? The Portland Water Bureau will work with the Portland School District to add a sub-meter for the water for the trees. BNA will work to get access to the playground through the locked gate at the NW corner of the school.
Gravel pathway is needed from Bridgeton Rd through the new gate and down to the schoolyard. Without that gravel path the school district will not unlock the gate. Without access through the gate park users find other avenues ….not all of which make adjoining property owners happy.
Address comments and corrections to Leslie Sawyer.
Richard Brown
BNA Secretary
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