Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ouch - Long TIme No Blog Here

December has been "that" kind of started off fine then went downhill - as in sledding or skiing or burst piping or shoveling or whatever ing you have been doing.

I moved from the north east so as to not have snow under my feet for months on end. Had not shoveled feets of snow since the winter of 2002/2003 and the feets we got that year drove me nuts!

Fast forward to winter 2008 in Bridgeton floating homes! Arctic winds, frozen pipes, burst pipes, listing houses, slippery decks, icy ramps, and all those lemons of life. So what do Bridgetonites do with a ton of lemons? We make pot luck meals - sharing the foods we have in houses that have water and heat.

We do pot luck meals well around here - and this winter proved how versatile we can be with
the foods we have in our houses......

We all agreed that Bridgeton is a great neighborhood filled with giving people. When the main water line went in my moorage one neighbor volunteered we could all shower and get water at that home....but within hours our line was fixed.....

And maybe it will soon be nice weather and I can get my water lines fully functioning again?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Chanukah Fair

I'll be at this event with information, samples and discounts on the healthy products I market [and some photographs for sale too]

no matter how you spell it...
it’s still Chanukah!”

~ Annual Chanukah Gift Fair ~

Our fair will have unique gifts for all occasions, art, books,
clothing, jewelry, toys, sensational food, children’s area,
baked goodies and more…
Plus free parking!!!

Sunday December 7, 2008
9am — 4pm

At Congregation Neveh Shalom
2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR 97239

Sponsored by: Portland Chapter of Hadassah

Monday, December 01, 2008

Local Artists at Channels' Edge

Sunday, December 7th

1 - 5 pm

Get your holiday shopping done early!

Up to 30% off original artwork.

Featuring Randy Cole, Fishbonze, Z Pottery, Cherry Ann Jewelry, Pottery by Rita and much, much more!

207 N. Bridgeton Road


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Special December Meeting re Trammel Crow Complex

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

7 PM @ Columbia School [Marine Drive and Bridgeton]


The Special Meeting to discuss the design plans Trammell Crow Residential has submitted to the Portland Planning Bureau for the construction an apartment complex on the land at the west end of Bridgeton Road.

Sam Rodriguez from TCR has asked for a meeting of the neighborhood to discuss the plans for the proposed development of a 250 unit apartment complex.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Bridgeton!

A day of giving thanks for many things:

our country will have a new president come January 20th!

my son is happy

I have good friends offline and online

I am healthy

I live in Portland

I see ducks like this

Ah and that soon it’s time to go and eat with many of those friends mentioned above....yummmm

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slough Events

Click here to find out more Stewardship Saturday
Saturday, December 13th
Join us at Big Four Corners Natural Area along the main stem of the Columbia Slough (see directions below). This is Portland's 4th biggest Natural Area and provides 165 acres of wetland, woodland, waterway and rare white oak habitat. We'll be engaging in some good ol' invasive species removal around some of the public hiking trails. Come donning your sturdiest shoes and, if grey cloud loom above, that favorite yellow slicker. Refreshments will be provided.

Date: Saturday, December 13th

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Big Four Corners Natural Area
(Entrance off Marine Drive & NE 185th)
Portland, OR

Head East on I-84. Take the 181st exit and go left on 181st. Proceed a few blocks and take a right on NE Sandy Blvd followed by a left on 185th. Proceed to Marine Dr. and take another left. Drive approx. ¼ and look for a pullout on the left. There will be signs directing you to a parking area.

Contact Nathaniel at 503-281-1132 or

Click here to find out more

109th Annual
Christmas Bird Count
Saturday, January 3rd, 2009
Join the Audubon Society of Portland, Columbia Slough Watershed Council staff, and other supporters for this year's Christmas Bird Count! This historic event is organized each year for intrepid bird lovers to collect annual data. Information from the CBC is used by the Audubon Society to help track bird migrations and population changes. You can help by driving, recording numbers, and identifying bird species.

***Last year's Eagle Eye Award was won by our own North Portland team, for spotting an osprey catching a carp at Whitaker Ponds! Could it be your team this year??

For more information on the Christmas Bird Count, go to

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Environmental Issues - need to comment to EPA by Friday

Friday is the last day to voice your opinion on whether the EPA -- the Environmental Protection Agency -- should regulate carbon dioxide pollution, the primary cause of the climate crisis. This is a big deal.

The EPA is taking public comment, before making a ruling.

Of course, special interests -- like the oil and coal lobbies -- are working overtime to defeat a positive ruling and have already gotten thousands of comments submitted in opposition.

Most people don't know about this opportunity for public comment, so your voice can make a real difference. And with a new president in the White House, it's likely that someone will actually be listening.

In April 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate
carbon dioxide if it is harming our health and welfare. After more than a year of delay, the EPA is finally now requesting public comments on whether carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollutants are endangering our health and our climate.

Join us, and send a message about how crucial it is to reduce harmful
carbon dioxide pollution. That you expect the EPA to use its powers to protect our health and welfare. That we can "Repower America" by using energy sources that don't emit carbon dioxide, and make the switch to 100% clean electricity. And that the solutions to the climate crisis are the same ones needed to address our economic and security challenges.

This is our chance to go on the public record -- all the comments will be posted on the EPA's website.

For nearly eight years, the Bush administration has done nothing to address the growing threats we face from global warming. Hurricanes are getting stronger, the North polar icecap is melting, and we've suffered through intense droughts, floods and killer heat waves.

The deadline is November 28th. Let's help end the era of delay.


Cathy Zoi

Comment by going to the site and finding the EPA link.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Minutes November 19

Leslie opened the meeting at 7:00 PM at the school with 18 BNA members present.

Christmas Drive - Leslie suggested that BNA contribute to provide a better Xmas for a family. Toys, clothing, food will be collected to meet that goal. Please contact Kim at Channel’s Edge for more information.

Fall BNA Cleanup - was very successful filling two drop boxes with BNA refuse. This was the first time in ten years that three drop boxes were not filled.

Police - a flyer dropped off by Crime Prevention Coordinator La Shanda Hurst was distributed to those present titled North Portland Problem -Solving Resource Numbers. The extra copies will be available at the Channel’s Edge. Brian recounted the lack of response to a non-emergency call based on late night noise from non-residents parked on the levee. He offered that the next caller use the words “drinking inside a car” to elicit an actual police response. Getting the cell phone number of the Bridgeton police officer is considered a next step in re-building a working relationship.

Trammel Crow - Leslie offered Dec 3rd to invite TC to present changes to the plan for the apartment development. An announcement will follow.

Portland Drainage District #2 – board member elections will be held on Dec 4th. All BNA property owners will get a post card ballot in the mail. These cards will be collected and used by BNA representatives as proxy to vote on PDD#2 board members. Four of the five seats are up for election on the newly expanded board. BNA has two candidates running for seats on the board. Walter Valenta is running unopposed for seat #2 and Matt Whitney has thrown his hat into the ring for seat #4. Leslie will coordinate a door-to-door drive to collect all of the proxy votes.

Columbia River Crossing – CRC will hold an Open House on Dec 3rd at Expo Center. BNA residents are asked to please plan to attend this major presentation. CRC staff Carly Frances and Gavin Oein presented the September draft for review along with updates to their extensive June presentation. CRC involves 5 miles of I-5 in Oregon and Washington and covers 7 interchanges, adds light rail, in addition to replacing the bridge. Cost is estimated at $3.1 to 4.2 B and has backing of major government players from OR and WA along with 60% approval rating from general populace. Key issues to be resolved include: financing and tolls, Vanport wetlands mitigation, inclusion of a grade level pedestrian crossing at Pier 99, and the final design of the Marine Dr interchange.

Tree planting update – BNA is responsible for watering the already planted trees throughout the 2009 season. Walter recounted how Wieden-Kennedy and Associates chose Bridgeton as the site for a company project. W&K worked with Friends of Trees and planted 70 trees through-out the school yard last month. BNA supporters remarked on the hard work, enthusiasm, and efficiency of the W&K team. PPS facility managers chose the location of the chain link fence and re-located gate. Next steps will include adding a temporary gravel walkway through the gate. PPS has agreed that final improvements will include a paved walkway and stairway to the field. In the next year or two a sidewalk will be poured on the same alignment as existing sidewalk to the west and extended to at least the gate in the fence. The final phase for 2008 will be trees planted at Ann’s house. The tree planting project is funded and will continue through 2009 and 2010.

Bridgeton Trail – Walter informed us that the trail plan has proceeded through several phases. Completed phases include: conceptual design, survey, and appraisal. Currently PDC is engineering the design for a cost estimate and construction guidelines that can be of benefit to Trammel Crow and other construction partners. Due to the number of completed phases, the trail is included on a list of infrastructure improvements that are eligible for future federal construction dollars.

Next meetings:

Dec 3rd - Trammel Crow presentation at 7:00 PM.

Dec 3rd - CRC Open House held at Expo Center on Dec 3rd. You are asked to attend CRC Open House prior to the meeting with TC.

Dec 4th - PDD#2 election meeting will be held. You do not need to attend, just get your proxy votes to Leslie, Matt, or Walter.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Agenda for Nov. 19th Meeting

November Meeting

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

7 PM @ Columbia Pioneer School

716 N. Marine Dr. [At Marine and Bridgeton]


1- The Columbia River Crossing Project will be discussed

This is the first chance we have had to talk with the team after the recommendation for a new bridge system was made. Interesting things are proposed on the CRC website. We can find out first hand how it may affect us. The plans are advancing and this is our chance to hear what has changed.

 2- Levee Certification Report

Short review of what has happened concerning the removal of trees, filling in on the levee, planting trees, and where we go next. A special thanks to Friends of Trees and Wieden-Kennedy and Associates

3- A Representative from the Portland Police Department will be present.

4- We have no new information from Trammell Crow concerning their plans to build an apartment complex at the west end of Bridgeton Road.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Columbia River Crossing Project Update

CRC hosts open houses to receive input, answer questions
The Columbia River Crossing project invites you to attend an open house in December to learn about plans for light rail on Hayden Island and in Vancouver , a replacement bridge, and fixing seven highway interchanges between SR 500 and Columbia Boulevard .  
Public comments will help the project make decisions on key issues including the number of lanes on a new I-5 bridge and design of the bridge, light rail and highway improvements.
Two open houses will be held:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Open house: 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Hilton Vancouver Washington
301 W. 6th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
Public transit: C-TRAN #4
More info: or 360-695-0123
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Open house: 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center
2060 North Marine Drive, Hall D
Portland, OR 97217
Public transit: TriMet MAX Yellow Line
More info: or 503-238-RIDE
CRC Project Sponsors Council to hold first meeting
A 10-member governor-appointed panel will meet for the first time Tuesday, Nov. 4, to begin advising the Oregon and Washington departments of transportation on project development for the Columbia River Crossing project. 
The Project Sponsors Council will advise the project on completion of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, project design, project timeline, sustainable construction methods, consistency with greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and the financial plan.
The meeting will be held 1 – 3 p.m. at the Southwest Region office of the Washington State Department of Transportation, 11018 NE 51st Circle , Vancouver , WA . It is open to the public.
CRC appoints Marine Drive Stakeholder Group
In September, CRC appointed a Marine Drive Stakeholder Group to advise the project on reconstruction alternatives for the Marine Drive interchange.
This group represents a wide variety of interests potentially affected by redesign of the Marine Drive Interchange, including the Oregon Department of Transportation, City of Portland , Port of Portland , trucking and distributions companies and property owners.  
Visit the Marine Drive Stakeholder Group page for more information about the group.
CRC project concludes fairs and festivals season
At the completion of its 2008 fairs and festivals season, CRC project staff had spoken with more than 2,000 community members. Throughout the spring and summer project staff hosted booths at 20 events in Oregon and Washington including Juneteenth Celebration, Ho'ike Hawaiian Festival and Seaport Celebration. Staff answered questions about the project and provided informational materials.
CRC wants to talk to your group
Project staff regularly attends community group meetings to give brief presentations and answer questions about the project. If you would like to schedule a presentation for your next meeting, please click here.
Columbia River Crossing contact information
Mail: 700 Washington St, Suite 300
Vancouver, WA 98660
Phone: 360-737-2726 or 503-256-2726
Fax: 360-737-0294


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An update and thank you from Pen2

PHONE (503) 281-5675    FAX (503) 281-0392

November 3, 2008

Leslie Sawyer, Chair
Bridgeton Neighborhood Association
Portland OR 97211

Dear Leslie,

Please accept this report as an update on the tree removal and planting plan approved by the stakeholder organizations earlier this year.  As you know, Wieden+Kennedy staff volunteered on October 30th to plant the first phase of seventy trees at the Columbia School site.  They were guided by a planting plan prepared by the neighborhood through landscape architect Bo Nevue.  Bo even staked the location of the trees to be planted.  Friends of Trees assisted the Wieden+Kennedy staff in organization and helped plant trees.  Jeff Moore of Urban Forest Professionals LLC volunteered his time and equipment to unload and place the trees near the designated planting site, and dug the planting holes where Bo had them staked.  The PEN 2 Drainage District bought the trees through R&M Plant Procurement who dug, bagged and delivered each to the site.

Prior to the staking of trees, the PEN 2 District had been able to backfill fifteen feet along the south edge of the levee to stabilize and enforce its width, and add an additional fifteen feet of soil to accommodate tree planting.  Originally, this project was not thought possible this year, but the bid was most competitive and the District was able to complete the work with the approval of the School District.  The effect in a couple of years will be to create the tree corridor effect that had to be removed.  The addition can also be used as a natural embankment for watching soccer games.

All trees have now been removed and the stumps ground-out, or taken out, per US Army Corps of Engineers standards.  The USACE has inspected the levee and will write a letter supporting levee certification to FEMA this week.  That should provide time for FEMA to compile the information and include it in the final Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) due out September 2009.  The PEN 2 District will be protected by this action.

Congratulations to the Bridgeton Neighborhood for enduring this stressing process of both tree removal and added construction confusion on the levee.  The District looks forward to working with Bridgeton neighbors on the location of other trees to plant in each of the two years to come.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Bob Eaton
Executive Director

Sunday, November 02, 2008

It's not too early for this....

Christmas ship season [aka party time on Bridgeton Road and Hayden Island] is coming!

North Portland Harbor dates are Thursday Dec 11th and Friday Dec. 19th

Full Columbia schedule:

Full Willamette schedule:

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Voted yet?

If you did not mail your ballot yesterday - you MUST take it to a drop box


It be received by 8 PM Tuesday and it's too late to mail it in. Post marks do not count!

Here are official drop off sites:

You can give your ballot to a campaign worker who may come knocking on your door - and you can take it to a campaign headquarters.

If you want to get accolades for dropping off your ballot - take it to the Obama headquarters on 15th and NE Killingsworth. I've been there selling Obama gear and it's fun to watch everyone get so revved up for incoming ballots - beating on pans, ringing what sounds like a cow bell, cheering and applauding...

I wish I had dropped mine off there - I've never been had that kind of attention for voting :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Clean Up

Coming Soon!!!!

Saturday October 25

Please use this opportunity to help clean up the neighborhood.

Work parties will clean in the triangle at Gantenbein Ave and Marine Drive and along Bridgeton Road and Marine Drive.

NO hazardous oil, gas, or paint.

There will be three drop boxes and a special location for recyclable metals and appliances.

Two shred boxes will be at Channel’s Edge for your convenience.

We hope to see everyone!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tonight's Meeting Canceled

The meeting previously scheduled for tonight is canceled.

The next neighborhood meeting is Nov. 19th at the Columbia School.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Are you registered to vote?

The deadline in Oregon is October 14th.

Often I hear things like: "I don't do politics." or "Both parties are the same so why vote."

Or from some - I vote and that's it...not interested in the rest of it.

My take on politics is that it is everything you do.....

If you have a job - you "do" politics

If you are a union member - you "do" politics

If you ever call your elected officials abut something - you are "doing" politics

If you shop you are engaging in politics


So - why not register and if registered - why not vote?

Politicians know who votes and who does's a public record....

And this area of Bridgeton and Hayden Island have poor voting records....

Yet in the last year or so I know that many here and on the Island had "issues" to deal with in their neighborhoods. Here the issue was tackled by neighbors and only after a long period of time did anyone start calling local and state politicians...

And so we wound up "doing" politics - but a bit too late in that discussion.

Maybe this year Bridgeton can have a high ballot return to thank the politicians who tried to help?

They would notice - believe me - they would notice!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OK - politiks time

Several of my friends are getting worried..I'm not - but it never hurts to have more money for a campaign.

So if you can - use this post to contribute....

Join me in supporting Barack by making a donation to my personal fundraising page:

Or go to myobama and start your own fundraiser....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tree Memorial


Due to rain - this is rescheduled for September 28th - same location

Click on the image for an enlarged version

Friday, September 12, 2008

Neighborhood Meeting - September 17th


The Port of Portland’s new Deicing Program and how it could affect us

Crime Prevention Issues with Havilah Ferschweiler
(Crime Prevention Program Coordinator-North Portland) and Officer Steve Jacquot

Discuss the Fall Clean-up/possible Tree Planting Day – October 25

Reminder—there will be a Tree Celebration scheduled on September 21 at 7 PM

Thoughts from Leslie Sawyer, chairman, BNA

With mitigation from losing trees, we have an opportunity to start making Bridgeton into “Portland’s Other Waterfront”. Plans are in place to widen the levee near the school which will allow us the chance to build a great little park. We also want to put up a neighborhood entry of some kind at Gantenbein and Bridgeton and work on the Bridgeton Trail and our streetscape plans. We probably will not have time to discuss this at this meeting but would love to get creative design input and funding ideas. Send your ideas to

Sam Rodriguez of Trammell Crow Residential just called to say that they are finishing their Planning Commission presentation for an apartment complex west of Bridgeton Road. They will want to meet with us soon, but will not be ready by the 17th.

Columbia School 716 NE Marine Dr 7 PM to 9 PM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Slough Doings


Click here to find out more Aquifer Adventure
Saturday, September 13th

Ahoy thaar matey! Join the Portland Water Bureau and Columbia Slough Watershed Council for a swashbuckling good time at Aquifer Adventure, a pirate-themed treasure hunt and learn how to protect groundwater on your way to a hidden treasure!

Aquifer Adventure is a FREE, family-friendly afternoon of pirate-guided canoe rides, treasure hunting, live music by Sky in the Road (1-3pm), hands-on educational activities and games, prizes and more! Treasure hunters receive a free event t-shirt. The treasure that is sought will not be gold or silver but groundwater, a vital resource that flows under yer feet!

No registration neccessary, just show up! All ages are welcome! Be prepared to walk, canoe and explore. This is a great event to get you ready for "Talk Like a Pirate Day!"

View Event Flyer

Aquifer Adventure 2007 Higlights

12:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Portland Water Bureau Canoe Launch
NE 166th & Airport Way, Portland, OR 97230 Map

Dress: Like a Pirate!!!

For event information contact: Katie Meckes at or call 503-281-1132

Arrrr....Volunteers are Still Needed!
Seadogs and landlubbers alike are needed to volunteer as activity assistants, parking greeters, registration takers, treasure guardians, and more! We'll provide lunch (to avoid scurvy), T-shirts, and training. Last year over 400 people attended this great event - we need your help to make this year another huge success. So come volunteer… or walk the plank! Arrr!

Click here to learn about volunteer shifts and job details.

To volunteer, please contact Melissa at

Click here to find out more

Click here to find out moreWant to increase your Pirattitude? Wishing to become savvy in your Pirate Speak? Click here to learn more about International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Goodbye to the Cottonwood :-(

If you have any feelings for the old cottonwood at Gantenbein - today is the day to say goodbye - it is now being taken down.

On days when its cotton is in my food, mouth, and eyes....I go yuck! [or went yuck]

But on the many more other days - when it was alive with birds and their singing - well that made up for eating cotton...

But after today - no more. It's a tree I have a view of from my house - it will be odd to look out and not see it and I can only hope that what seems like millions of birds - find new homes.

And as a cynic who has no trust in an administration that disses real science - I ask - what if as soon as next year when we have real scientists back in the administration of government agencies [you know the ones who don't alter finding of their subordinates] - what if they then decide that old trees on levees are a good thing?

Addendum - beware - if you walk near the tree - a chorus of tree cutting idiots will wonder aloud what would happen if a tree limb were to fall on you...I walked by with my dog [the road is blocked off at the other end so the tree direction was about it for dog walking] and we were way outside the orange cones. A bicyclist also went by with his 2 kids. We all got called stupid and we were all wished damage done to us by falling tree limbs... [nice people]

I went back with my camcorder and they were silent- easier to be stupid when there is no video around!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tree Cutting Has Started

This morning the tree cutting started at the school end of the road so they can be done with that before students return to classes.

It was sad watching large old trees disappear in moments. I shot some video but will not get it edited and uploaded til later tonight.

The cutting will continue westward as the weeks go on....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tree Removal Update

Tree removal begins Monday along the Bridgeton Levee

in northeast Portland

Where: Columbia School, 716 NE Marine Drive
When: 10 a.m., Monday, August 25, 2008
Who: Representatives of the Peninsula Drainage District No. 2 Board, Bridgeton Neighborhood Association, Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, landscape architect Bo Nevue and area residents

At 10 a.m. on Monday, August 25, crews will begin the removal of 68 trees along the Bridgeton levee in northeast Portland. The first trees to be removed will be those located at Columbia School along Marine Drive.

Representatives from the neighborhood and the public agencies involved in the project will be on hand to answer questions.

The tree removal is required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in order to recertify the Bridgeton levee, thereby also protecting flood insurance coverage for area residents.

Portland Parks & Recreation City Nature helped facilitate an agreement between the Peninsula Drainage District No. 2 and the Bridgeton Neighborhood Association to study the specific requirements and to remove the required trees, but which also guaranteed a mitigation plan which will replant more trees while still ensuring the integrity of the levee. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer, and Portland City Commissioner Dan Saltzman all played invaluable roles in making the process successful.

The mitigation plan, designed by landscape architect Bo Nevue, involves planting as many as 304 trees over the next three years as a replacement for the 68 trees being removed.

The Process will take several weeks to complete. There will be street closures as the trees and roots are removed. Thank you for your understanding on this.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Bridge is Coming! Pollution is Coming!

On Monday, the Oregonian had an article about the possible pollution runoff into the Columbia from the construction and ultimate urban sprawl that a new bridge could bring to the region.

I had always wondered why the task force, from what I understood, worked on the assumptions that driving habits would remain the same, as would gas prices and there would be no new businesses or housing added in the area.

In any place I have ever lived, new or wider roads or bigger bridges always resulted in more traffic, more businesses and more housing...So why did this task force assume Portland would be different than other cities? Beats me!

And of late, one need not even contemplate the reality of what a new bridge might bring - that reality is here already. Every buildable spot in the Bridgeton area is for sale! Many of those sale signs have gone up in the last few weeks...

So even if the new bridge is never built - the focus on this area and a possible bridge, has already resulted in the planing for more apartments, more disappearing green, more disappearing bird nesting areas along the slough, and ultimately more cement, more roofs and more dirty rain running off into the Columbia... some because there will be no "land" left to absorb the rain.

Build it and they will use it to sell it and move it to the area! © That's my new slogan for Bridgeton!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Minutes of Aug. 6 inclding tree update

These are the "draft" minutes - so if there are changes I'll post them later this week - but as they contain tree update [bolded] info - I wanted to post it now

Leslie began meeting at 7:04 PM. at Marriott Residences, a last minute change of venue from the planned site at Marriott Courtyard.

Walter provided a "tree" update. Drainage District #2, Corps of Engineers, and BNA have signed a "cut and re-plant" agreement. August 25 at 10 AM the cutting begins with the Columbia School trees at the east end of Bridgeton. All are invited to witness the procedure. Tree cutting and stump grinding are expected to proceed for 3-4 weeks. The 22 affected property owners have received a packet of information. Hardwood trees will go to re-use and other trees will be recycled in some fashion. Residents are warned to expect noise, traffic, and other impacts. Replanting will commence during the fall.

Trammell Crow (TC) and Portland Department of Transportation (PDOT) have held a series of meetings over the west end connector road and multi-use esplanade. PDOT was reported to be pushing the idea of connectivity via a through street. TC has offered concessions fostering an esplanade limited to emergency vehicle traffic. A Harbour Ct. resident questioned why BNA argues against Bridgeton as a through street while BNA is indifferent to Harbour Ct. as a through street.

TC reported that PDOT does not plan to include a traffic light at the intersection of the new street and Marine Dr. instead preferring lane widening and turn lanes.

TC presented new elevations from all sides that demonstrate considerable change from the earlier sketches. The softer lines reduce the "bulk" of the planned complex. With these design changes the two, 5-story buildings fronting the river appear to be four buildings with deep center setbacks.

Overall, the two largest buildings will be set back 25' from the south edge of the "flat" part at the top of the dike. As presented by TC, there will be a 4-story apartment section with 5th story penthouses. Materials include cedar lap or cedar shiplap panels along with stucco in multi colored hues. There is to be a 50' break between Brian's townhouse at the west end of Bridgeton and a 25' break heading east from the Mews. Further south will be three 3-story walk-ups. The final two, single-story buildings will front Marine Dr. and include the clubhouse and rental office.

ADA accessibility from Bridgeton via the esplanade to Marine Dr. is assured. ADA access to the path along the dike is to be provided via public elevator from the center of the planned project.

TC is preparing the formal application that will be ready in about a month. The formal application will result in a Type 2 Design Review process involving many city bureaus. The meetings with PDOT and BNA were designed to vet issues that are likely to come up in design review.

The members present seemed to come away with general appreciation of the re-designed apartments.

Meteor Showers

The Perseid meteor showers start tonight - but the air in Portland proper has been pretty dirty of late - and it is a city! so if you want to see the meteor showers you need to get way to a spot with no city lights...

OMSI is doing a meteor watch tonight - 9PM at Rooster Rock info here

Last year I could not see nay from my deck - but having seen these showers in the past when I was in "cleaner sky areas" - if you can get away do so - it can be awe inspiring!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tree Updates

Many have asked when the trees will be cut - I don't know. Some trees had city permits and the appeal deadline has passed for those needing permits....

I am guessing it depends on DD2 getting the permits in hand for all trees so they can hire the crew and remove all the trees in short order. We'll know when they start - it will be noisy here!

And a reminder - there is a meeting about the Trammell Crow apartment complex Wednesday August 6th at the Marriott - 7 PM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Things to do tonight in other neighborhoods


Portland Festival Symphony at 6 PM

Peninsula Park
N. Albina & Rosa Parks Way

Peter Piazza: Gut Feelings
Coleridge-Taylor: Four Characteristic Waltzes
Thara Memory , Guest-conductor

Leroy Anderson (b.1908): The Typewriter
Tschaikovsky : March Slave
Haydn: Toy Symphony
With children participation


First Annual Kenton Cookout: 5:30-8 pm, Historic Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon

This old-fashioned summer event is sure to be fun! Relax in the firehouse garden, meet your Kenton neighbors and taste
Po' Shines--Cafe De La Soul's delicious Bar-be-que!

Choose from Grown-up plates for $7.00, or the Kid's plate for $4.00. We'll also have a veggie option.
Non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase however if you like...bring your own "adult beverage".

More music and not tonight

Plan ahead to listen to the Portland Festival Symphony - all starting at 6 PM

Cathedral Park, Saturday, Aug. 2
Under the St. John’s Bridge
N. Lombard at the Willamette River
Michael Allen Harrison –Piano
Original Works
Johann Strauss: The Gypsy Baron
Dvorak: Symphony #8 Allegro con brio
Haydn: Toy Symphony
With children participation

Washington Park, Sunday, Aug. 3
Pre-concert performance
By Esther Shim, Violin Solo
Liszt: Gaudeamus Igitur
Kodaly: Intemezzo from Hary Janos
Bela Balogh, Guest-conductor
Bizet: L’Arlesienne Suite #2
Leroy Anderson (b.1908): Bugler’s Holiday
Dvorak: Symphony #8
Haydn: Toy Symphony
With children participation

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Next meeting with Trammell Crow - update

There is a special meeting with Trammell Crow about the apartment complex they are planing to build between the levee and the slough - directly west of the last row houses...

Meeting is at the Marriott on August 6th at 7PM

Come and learn and voice your opinions.

July 30th update from Leslie

Sam Rodriguez and Thomas DiChiara from TCR wish to discuss the new plans for the proposed development of a 250 unit apartment complex. They met with Portland Department of Transportation and another planning division.

One of the big issues is the city requirement of a paved connection to the end of Bridgeton Road for emergency vehicle access.

Please attend this meeting to help plan for our neighborhood’s future.

If you have questions or comments, please send an e-mail to

Leslie Sawyer, Chair, Bridgeton Neighborhood Association

Direction to the North Harbor Courtyard:

1) Exit Marine Drive north onto N Anchor Way (at the Subway) and circle west to the Courtyard Marriott at North Harbor.

2) OR Walk the levee with many of us.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meet Your Next Door Neighborhood

East Columbia Neighborhood Association is our next-door-neighbor and they have a picnic every year

It's this coming Saturday and here is the info:

East Columbia 6th Annual Neighborhood Picnic

It’s a potluck! Bring a favorite food to share, serving utensils, and a lawn chair or blanket.

Saturday, July 26th from 11:00 am-2:00 pm, at the Children’s Arboretum Park.
Enter off of 13th @ Meadow Drive
Follow the signs - golf carts will be available to shuttle you to the park.

Come spend a few hours visiting with your neighbors, and enjoy lunch in the park!

Live music presented by Providence Stage Band
Snow cones
Kid’s craft activities and games
Lots of raffle prizes! 1 ticket for $1, or 6 tickets for $5.
Guided nature walks
Musical Chairs

Sunday, July 20, 2008

BNA July minutes about the Trammell Crow complex

Here are the minutes from the July 16th meeting with Trammell Crow about the apartment complex. Another meeting is tentatively set for August 6th. If you have comments or questions - post them below where it says "comments"

Meeting notes for July 16, 2008

The Columbia Room at the Courtyard at the North Harbor Marriott

23 BNA members 8 of which are board members were present

This was a special meeting with Trammell Crow Residential to discuss their plans to build a 250+ unit apartment complex on the west end of Bridgeton Road. TCR was represented by Sam Rodriguez and Thomas DiChiara. They brought Mike Coleman to explain the results of the traffic study and Paul Jeffreys of Sera Architects to show his early rendering of designs for the site. Airanne Sperry, the North District Liaison for the Portland Planning Bureau also attended.

Sam Rodriguez started the meeting by saying that they still have not been able to meet with PDOT (Portland Department of Transportation). They hope to have a meeting with them next week to discuss their plans for a private street that has a permeable material for the connector to Bridgeton Road for emergency vehicles and a bike trail along the Bridgeton Slough. They will also learn what will be required for the access off of Marine Drive.

Mike Coleman explained that his review of the traffic study results would indicate that they will need to put in a left turn lane for east bound traffic wanting to enter the complex. They plan to have three lanes on the entrance road and block parking at the entrance which should allow vehicles making right turns the ability to exit without having to wait for cars making left turns onto Marine Drive. He worried about their being able to see west bound traffic. This study considered only the current traffic which is now that of an arterial road and not a collector road (which is what it is listed as). There is no consideration for traffic that may come from the 141 apartment complex going in on Anchor Way. Walter did say that Mr. Chiu has already agreed to pay for a stop light at the intersection of Anchor Way and Marine Drive when it is needed. We need to find out what is required to show that it is needed.

TCR is now saying that they plan to have 254 units that will be Studios (500 sq ft), one bedroom and two bedrooms (1000 sq ft) which they will charge from $1,000 to $1,400 per month. The larger buildings on the river side would be white with wood trim on long, sleek units with recessed and pop out balconies. The balcony rails would be of glass. The smaller, walk-up buildings would have a different design. They don’t think it would be feasible to make the buildings step down to the lower construction on either end because of the city requirement for fire escapes on the ends of the buildings. They would have to have many stairwells.

They have requirements from BES (Bureau of Environmental Services) to stay a certain distance from the slough. They will be looking into what plants are allowed to be planted on their land.

TCR keeps saying that the economics of the project require them to have 254 units. They are still saying that they need to add a story to the large buildings on the river going above the current zone restrictions or having three more small buildings which would cause the loss of the private road giving a public street and potential through road to Bridgeton Road. They have not explained what that economics is. They also said that they can build one square foot for every square foot of land.

TCR and Sera said that they will not be allowed to change their construction materials after it is reviewed and approved by the city design review. Several people suggested that they would like to see some angles in the design and it was suggested that they not use white because of the discoloration caused by jet fuel.

There were many questions about parking spaces for these apartments. We were reminded that the code does not require parking spaces and it was mentioned that people would probably not rent if they did not have parking provided. When the street parking within the complex is included, the complex would have 1.2 parking spaces for each unit. TCR reminded us that most complexes are not 100% full.

Someone said that Harbour Court has 1.1 parking spaces and many of the spaces are empty. However, Harbour Court charges extra for the parking causing many to choose to park on the street which might explain the parking issues on Harbour Way.

A meeting will be scheduled to continue this discussion the most likely date is August 6 at the Marriott. We hope to see more people at the meeting to get more people aware of the issues.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

To all boaters - know your buoys

We hope you enjoy the Columbia River as much as we do...and I have been asked to post a reminder about buoys and what they mean.

1 - keep green buoys and day beacons on the right when going to the sea (down river).

2- keep red buoys on the right when returning from the ocean [RRR = red right returning is a good way to remember]

At this time the submerged pilings are not visible as the river is still running higher than normal and boats are hitting the pilings, being badly damaged and having to be towed off the pilings.

Just today one neighbor sent this around:

This sailboat captain was obviously ignorant of RRR. He ran aground on the north side of the green day beacon in front of my house. I looked out the window this morning and in attendance were boats from Vessel Assist, the Sheriffs Patrol, and the Fire Bureau.

photo by B. Stipak

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Columbia Slough Regatta and other events

Sunday, July 27th from 9am-2pm

The Columbia Slough Watershed Council is gearing up for the 14th Annual Small Craft Regatta! This annual celebration of the Columbia Slough is the largest one-day paddle in Oregon. Bring your own watercraft and safety gear OR schedule a complimentary 45-minute canoe or kayak rental through CSWC. Reservations necessary for boat rentals. Rental boats are still available but they are going fast! Call or email now to request a reservation.

Visit the Regatta Webpage

To reserve a canoe or kayak :
Call the Regatta reservation line at 503-459-7674 or email Please be sure to provide all of the following information:
* Your first and last name
* Your preference for a either a canoe or kayak
* The time you would like to reserve your trip (9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm or 1pm). Please give your 1st & 2nd choice start times.
* Phone number and email address

Portland Water Bureau Canoe Launch
16650 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97230

A voluntary donation of $7 per person is appreciated and helps support future CSWC programs and activities. Thank you!

More fun summer programs & events:

Summer Day at the Ponds
Friday, August 8th from 9:00 – 11:30am
Come for a summer field trip to Whitaker Ponds Nature Park! We will go on a nature hike, search for aquatic animals living in the ponds and complete a nature-themed craft. Ages 7-11 are welcome. Space is limited. Suggested donation of $8 per child. Pre-registration is required. To register contact Rachel at (503) 281-1132 or email

Subs on the Sloug
Friday, August 15th from 11:30am - 1:00pm
Come have lunch at a hidden gem of a canoe launch along the slough! This event is a fun way to meet Slough neighbors & friends, have a great lunch and learn more about our local groundwater resource and the Groundwater Protection Program that is underway in the Columbia Slough watershed. Pre-registration is required and space is limited, so please register early! To register contact Katie at 503-281-1132 or

Aquifer Adventure
Saturday, September 13th from 12-4pm
Join the Portland Water Bureau and the Columbia Slough Watershed Council for the Sixth Annual Aquifer Adventure, a pirate-themed day of canoe rides, treasure hunting, music and games. This event focuses on groundwater, water conservation, and groundwater protection actions that you can do at home. Hands-on activities teach kids and adults how to protect this important groundwater resource that serves as a supplemental and emergency drinking water supply to 700,000 people in the Portland Metropolitan area.
No registration necessary. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Katie at 503-281-1132 or

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Special Meeting Tonight

There is a special BNA meeting tonight with Trammell Crow representatives at 7pm in the Columbia Room at the Courtyard Marriott on North harbor.

Sam Rodriguez will bring along the architect and street engineer.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tree Update

Today the notices were posted along the road or tied on the trees that are to be cut down.

Some trees do not need city permits and some do. For those needing permits - there is a time frame in which to comment on the permit.

The tree committee and the drainage district agreed on these marked trees and signed off on the these trees are going to be gone! If one is your favorite - go take a picture soon...

Click on this sentence to read the Certification Plan.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Minutes of meeting of June 25

Bridgeton N. A. Meeting Minutes
25 June 2008

Bridgeton Neighborhood Association
Special meeting: Alexan Columbia Waterfront
Presenter: Sam Rodriguez of Trammell Crow Residential
30 neighborhood attendees

The vacant land along the levee adjacent to Bridgeton townhouses, Blue Frog Marina, and the Muse is a 6.7-acre site that is being designed to accommodate approximately 250 apartments, wetlands, parking, and a bike/pedestrian path. It is zoned CM.

There is a no-build zone along the north boundary of the project.

Drainage District #1 surveyed a 25’ strip, measured south from the north edge of the levee, which is set aside to accommodate the bike / pedestrian path. No fencing will separate the levee path from Alexan.

There is an environmental zone on the south side of the project that contains wetlands. The west and east ends of the project will protect access to and from the levee. An additional levee access point in the center of the project was described as suitable for handicapped access.

The project will be built to attain a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED Gold rating. Apartment units are 750 SF 1-bedroom and 925 SF 2-bedroom. Rents are proposed at $1.40 / SF.

Two options were presented. Both options provide an additional connection from Harbor Dr. to Marine Dr. with a turn lane onto Harbor from Marine Dr. Note: The Muse is 65’ above the levee while the maximum height for the Alexan project is 55’ above the levee.

Option #1 contains a public road while option #2 offers a private road. Option #1: 250 apartment units in nine buildings, 200 parking spaces, 5-story total height with four stories above the levee, 52’ wide public right of way connecting from Harbor Dr. to Bridgeton Rd. The Bridgeton connection will employ a turn around and bollards to contain vehicle traffic in the apartment development. Emergency access from Bridgeton is allowed.

Option #2: 250 apartment units in six buildings, 270 parking spaces, 6-story total height with five stories above the levee, 52’ wide private street connecting Harbor Dr. to a more narrow access to Bridgeton Rd. that is limited by bollards to non-vehicle traffic. This option assures a pocket park on the east end of the project. Emergency access from Bridgeton is allowed.

Bike / pedestrian path construction will be paid for from sources including; Trammell Crow, PDC, Parks, CRC, L.I.D, Metro Greenspace.

Rich Brown Leslie Sawyer Sam Rodriguez

360-921-5501 503-314-2137 503-517-2792

BNA Secretary BNA, President Trammell Crow

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Special meeting about a proposed apartment complex

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

7 PM @ North Harbor Marriott Courtyard

1231 N. Anchor Way, Portland, OR


Special Meeting to discuss the plans of Trammell Crow Residential to construct an apartment complex on the land at the west end of Bridgeton Road.

Sam Rodriguez and Thomas DiChiara from TCR have asked for a meeting of the neighborhood to discuss the issues around their proposed development of a 250 unit apartment complex. One of the issues is the city requirement of a paved connection to the end of Bridgeton Road for emergency vehicle access.

Please attend this meeting to help plan for our neighborhood’s future.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Meeting Tonight - June 18th

June neighborhood meeting is tonight at the Mews....

7 PM

The Mews is the condo building near the I-5 bridge .

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Board Meeting on Wednesday

From Leslie - the BNA Chair

We are holding a Bridgeton Neighborhood Association board meeting on June 12 at 7 pm [in a private home]*
This meeting is to get the board together to discuss their interests and what we want to do for this next year and the future. It is an open meeting where we want to look at potential committees to enhance the livability and quality of life in our neighborhood.
One item we will be discussing in addition to potential committees is the neighborhood boundary. I am proposing a change to the wording in our by-laws that will clarify the eastern boundary and take to NE 13th Ave on the north side of Marine Drive.

Leslie Sawyer, BNA chair

* call Leslie for the address

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

June 18th Meeting

Agenda and location information - the meeting is NOT at the Columbia School

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 7 PM

In the Recreation Room of the MEWS at North Harbor Building
905 North Harbor Drive, Portland, OR

New I-5 Bridge Draft Impact Statement - final proposals for the new I-5 Bridge

This is your last chance to become informed about the Columbia River Crossing Project and to respond to the draft impact statement. Representatives from the Columbia River Crossing Project will be present to discuss the five options presented in the Impact Statement. We will use their input and that of those present to prepare a statement from the Bridgeton Neighborhood Association and hopefully for other entities in our area.

We need to make our opinions heard. In addition to written statements from organizations, there needs to be many statements from individuals. We plan to make information available for people to prepare their own responses to a list of individuals and organizations that need to be contacted. We need to send e-mails and/or letters to the officials who are going to make these decisions. We encourage everyone to be heard.

Please attend this meeting to help make sure that our opinions on the CRC project are heard by the city, county, state, and federal officials who will be making decisions on our future. We need everyone to mail and/or e-mail informed responses before July 1, 2008.

Direction to the Recreation Room at the MEWS at North Harbor:

1) The recreation room at the MEWS is at the east end of the building. We will have a BNA sign at the open door. Go up the stairs to a large conference room.
2) There is limited parking on N Harbor Drive so many of us will walk west on the levee to the condo units, go down the levee on the east side of the units, and west to the first (east) entrance into the Mews.
3) Exit Marine Drive north onto N Harbor Drive (at the Subway) and circle west and north around the Harbor Court Apartments. Go past the main entrance to the Mews to the east side of the building.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Wicke's endless sale

Wicke's has been going "out of business" for so long now it's a joke. A neighbor went there to see what was for sale and said the store is full of furniture.

He was reminded that oregon law allows these bankruptcy or going out of business sales to be done by sell-off companies [liquidators] who can keep bringing other stuff to add to what was originally in the store.

I found this out when a sporting good store was going out of business and as I had bought a lot of good stuff there - I went to look. what I found was merchandise that had never been sold at the original store and knowing prices - I found the sales prices higher than what the item could be bought for elsewhere.

So beware these going out of business sales in Oregon. They can be rip offs if you do not know comparable prices...They remind me fondly of stores in New York that we called "going out of business" as it's name because that was the sign in the window for years and years - until NY changed its laws and disallowed that lie to persist.

The Wicke's "sale" will go on thru June - I think it started in March...

Remember - caveat emptor

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bridgeton Neighborhood Association Minutes for May 21, 2008

The neighborhood debt has been greatly reduced! Matt announced that we are able to pay $13,500 on our debt. Matt thanked everyone for their support (esp. with the concert-silent auction). He noted that Cherry Ann Kolbenschlag will be missed on the board. She has put in many hours on committees and worked with Jim Miller to make the concert a great success. He also tried to go through the names on others who worked so hard on the concert.

Walter reported on the tree negotiations. It is almost over and things should be signed soon. Trees will get marked and cutting permits obtained for cutting to start in August. They will remove the trees and most of the roots with machinery-no chemicals. There are plans to widen the levee in several places (esp. near the school), to beautify around garbage bins, to add sidewalks and some plazas and to get power lines underground. It is an ambitious project. Walter is going to work to bring in funds and other contributions. We need at least three people to volunteer to be on an advisory committee to help allocate funding and contributions. Matt thanked Alise, Tom, and Walter for all of their hours of tiring work to get to this point.


The by laws were changed allowing 15 board members and 15 people were elected to the board. They are Richard Brown, Karen Jeffers, Julie McKinney, Ann Neuenschwander, Chrys Pappas, Dustin Pruitt, Debbie Robertson, Elizabeth Sanders, Leslie Sawyer, Brian Stipak, Kim Swenson, Lynda Taylor, Walter Valenta, Matt Whitney, and Chuck Wilson.

Officers were elected by the new board members present. They will be Leslie Sawyer as chair, Karen Jeffers as co-chair, Chuck Wilson as treasurer, and Richard Brown as secretary.

Developers from Trammell Crow Residential (Thomas A DiChiara and Sam Rodriguez) were present to talk to us about their plans to build a two hundred unit "up scale" rental complex on the land above the Blue Frog. They want a committee of local people to work with them. We need volunteers for that committee. Brian Stipak has already said he will be on this committee. We need more people from Bridgeton Road and from the MEWS and the other west side condo unit. If you are interested please let Brian or Leslie know.

We will be holding a general meeting on the 18th of June to discuss our joint and individual responses to the proposed I-5 bridge plans. This is very important and we need to be heard.

Everyone thanked to Matt Whitney for all of the hours he has put into being chairman of BNA for the last six years.

There were 20 members in attendance and 4 non-members.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Bridge is Coming? The Bridge is Coming?

Are you for or against a 12 lane bridge between here and Vancouver?

Do you have thoughts on what size bridge might work? Or whether a new bridge of any size really needed? Got other ideas?

There is an open meeting tonight at Expo to discuss the environmental impact statement...

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Open House: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Public Hearing: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center
2060 North Marine Drive, Hall D, Portland, OR 97217

Go here for more information and the statement ....

You can also comment online.

And the neighborhood board is looking for a spot to host a neighborhood meeting in June to discuss this project.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mallard babies

Momma watches while the babies eat.... good camouflage among the wet grasses....

New Board and Officers

These are your neighbors who were elected at the May meeting!


Chair: Leslie Sawyer
Vice-Chair: Karen Jeffers
Secretary: Rich Brown
Treasurer: Chuck Wilson

Board Members:

Julie McKinney
Ann Neuenschwander
Chrys Pappas
Dustin Pruitt
Debbie Robertson
Elizabeth Sanders
Brian Stipak
Kim Swenson
Lynda Taylor
Walter Valenta
Matt Whitney

Congrats - and good luck and good wishes to the new board!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

April's Board Minutes

Here are the minutes from the April Board Meeting

Bridgeton Neighborhood Association Board Meeting for April 16, 2008

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Matt Whitney at 7 pm.

The first item was a request from Jim Litton of the Rivers West Boat Shop asking for our backing of their grant application to PDC. They were turned down on their last request but have been informed that there are more funds available and were encouraged to reapply. They operate a nonprofit shop helping people build and repair wooden boats in the basement of Pier 99. They hope to get moneys to repair their electrical needs, improve water access, improve storage and other things. We voted to give them a letter of support.

Walter had an in-depth outline of the proposals coming out of the tree negotiations. Funding is still a huge issue, but everyone is working to get grants and funds from many sources. The committee has come up with the trees (80 in all) that it feels need to come down to meet the USAC guidelines and get certification (we have very little bargaining power because River Keepers is insisting that we not cut any tree that qualify to be saved and it wants as tall a canopy as can be obtained with our guidelines).

The committee members are now meeting with the land owners who are affected (They met with PYC today.) Only four more of the PYC trees are going to be cut. They are conduction a special study of the black cottonwood with the people most opposed to it being cut and the person at USAC who will make the final decision.

A comprehensive study and design specs have been done for the entire road with emphasis on replanting everywhere that we can. Special emphasis is being made of widening efforts at the school and PYC. They want to widen the levee on the river side—totally controlled by USAC and environmental issues--and the non river side. The school has agreed to as much as 35 feet filled in, which would give us room for sidewalks and qualified trees on that side of the road. PYC has been asked to plant trees on the water side on it’s parking lot and to consider some planters in the parking lot in addition to a widened section for green near the road.

As has been mentioned before, we can only plant trees that grow less than 30’ high at 20’ intervals on the water side of the levee where it is far enough from the road to keep the roots out of the core of the levee. The city forester is not in favor of saving “bad trees”. He is not apt to support saving the hacked trees at the school. The drainage district will pay to cut down the trees, but has to get help to fund the mitigation for the loss of the trees. Alise is drafting the agreement which will then have to be signed by the drainage district, bna, the city forester and the USAC. We should have tree removal near the end of summer—exception might be the trees on the non-water side which may be cut early to start the filling of that side to increase the size of the levee.

The board members may be asked for a quick vote to move the actions along for the committee. They will need to start the tree cutting permit process as soon as possible so that trees in certain areas can be cut quickly if we get a chance to fill in with dirt.

A related topic is asking people for ideas of what we want to do with the wood. Wayne has found a group that could make some art objects out of certain types of wood. Others want to put chips on proposed trail near Blue Frog.

There was a short discussion of the benefit concert. It will be held April 27th and only 87 tickets have been sold at this time. We are getting good media coverage-Jim has sent out many announcements and it has been in a number of sections of the paper. Jim was wondering if someone would have a donation jar for the bands. Matt will be handling the money.(Walter will try to get a visa account available for us to use for the auction items.) He will sell the script that will be used to buy drinks and food and he will take the money for the auction items. He needs someone to assist him. Leslie volunteered to head up the bake sale portion of the function. Carol is working on donations for the silent auction. Kim, Bob and Karen will be handling the sale of beer, wine and pop. Decorating will be done on Saturday. There will be a meeting for the concert at Cherry Ann’s on Wednesday night the 23rd at 7:30 to discuss any problems.

Jim Miller suggested that we pull together a Bridgeton Navy to help ferry volunteers to the shore of the Willamette for clean up day on May 17th.

We voted to change the by-laws so that there can be 15 people on the board, but our current by-laws require a vote of the general membership. So that may have to be redone at the May meeting prior to the vote for board members and officers.

The list of people who are running for the board are as follows:

Richard Brown secretary

Leslie Sawyer chair
Karen Jeffers co-chair

Chuck Wilson treasure

Julie McKinney

Anne Neuenschwander

Chrys Pappas

Jon Peterson

Debbie Robertson

Elizabeth Sanders

Brian Stipak

Kim Swenson

Linda Taylor

Walter Valenta

Matt Whitney

The neighborhood Spring Clean-Up is this weekend April 19 and we will have three bins with volunteers watching to make sure that nothing is put into the bins that is prohibited. There will be a shredder at CE and free coffee for volunteers. Help is needed to clean up the triangle and section of road near it as well as volunteers to clean along Marine Drive.