Monday, January 02, 2012

2 Important Meetings In January

There are two joint meetings with East Columbia Neighborhood

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

7 PM @ Columbia Pioneer School in the Bus Driver’s meeting Area

716 N. Marine Dr., Portland, OR

The NEW Study of Crashes on Marine Drive

We will have an opportunity to talk to the agencies managing the study. We need to express our concerns about the traffic problems on Marine Drive. One of the issues with this study is that it has been done before and some of us would like to see the money obtained for the study to be applied to some of the previously recommended improvements for Marine Drive. (The bus driver’s meeting area is under the gym in the south east corner of the school.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6PM @ Kenton Firehouse

8105 N. Brandon St. (just south of the Kenton Post Office)

Proposed Stormwater Management Fee

This is a Special Meeting to discuss the city of Portland’s plan to charge us for Storm Water Management which is done by Pen2. The proposed fee would be added to the sewer/water bills. It is a huge proposed increase that will not increase our service!! I will send out another e-mail with few more details, but this meeting is your chance to find out what may happen and why.

Please try to attend both of these meetings.

If you have questions or comments, please send an e-mail to

Leslie Sawyer

Matt Whitney

Co-Chairs, Bridgeton Neighborhood Association

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